Wednesday, June 12, 2013

LMS Explores the Value of Cloud-based Computing: Reducing IT Costs

Have you been hearing about THE CLOUD lately and wondering why it could or would benefit your Firm?  

In the white paper, Law Firm Management in the Cloud, Mr. Andrew Adkins III explores the value of the Cloud.  Below, we have featured his explanation on how the Cloud can help reduce IT costs. 


Reduced IT Costs

Most legal specific software follows a traditional client-server model: attorneys purchase software licenses and install it on their in-house computer servers. Users access the software through a local area network and data is stored on these computers. Updates are applied on the firm’s computers by in-house IT or outside consultants. Vendors often release a major upgrade which may be offered to the firm at a reduced cost or may be provided as part of the annual software maintenance cost. The client-server model puts total control in the hands of the firm. Data is stored internally and access is controlled by the firm – all residing within the technology walls of the law firm. 

Software as a Service, or “Cloud-based computing,” differs from the traditional client-server model. Instead of installing the software on your firm’s in-house computer servers, the application is hosted on the cloud-based developer’s servers and accessed through the Internet using a standard web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, or Apple Safari) over a secure Internet connection. Your firm’s data is stored on the cloud-based platform rather than in your firm’s office. Instead of paying an up-front cost, which in the client-server model may be a hefty investment, the firm pays a monthly per-user fee. The cloud-based model puts the data in the hands of a third party (the host). The law firm has access to the data, but it resides outside the technology walls of the law firm.