Our theme over the last few weeks has been Make Time for
Timekeeping, and mobile entry helps us tweak that concept a bit today.
Mobile entry helps us find time for timekeeping!
Offering access to applications such as LMS+ WebTime and
iTimeKeep, mobile devices allow us to enter and track time almost anywhere,
For example, Rippe & Kingston Clients can connect to LMS+
WebTime ‘on the go’ using a mobile device with the same URL that they use to
access the system today!
Bellefield's iTimeKeep is another option that allows Rippe Clients to
enter time from a mobile device with real-time access to the Client Matters
and Task / Activity codes.
With the download of the iTimeKeep app and its integration with
LMS, time can be entered directly from your mobile device into WebTime – all
while using the simple and intuitive user interface of iTimeKeep.
Over the years, the iPad (or smart phone) has become a portable
computer that helps us manage daily activities. Being at a desk in the
office is no longer a requirement for effective timekeeping.
With mobile entry, entering & tracking time has never been