Wednesday, June 26, 2013

LMS Explores the Value of Cloud-based Computing: Easier Upgrades

Did you know that 95% of all Rippe & Kingston's LMS Clients receive annual upgrades?  Many of those Clients use Rippe's LMS Cloud and receive a seamless upgrade year after year.

Annual upgrades are important to the success of the Firm, and the Cloud can make the transition easier.  

Mr. Andrew Adkins III explores the benefits of the Cloud in the white paper, Law Firm Management in the Cloud.  Below, he explains how the Cloud can facilitate an easier annual upgrade. 

Continuous Annual Upgrades
Cloud-based applications reside on a host computer accessed by many different customers, so in many cloud-based systems, everyone uses the same software configuration, though there are several cloud-based applications which can be individually tailored to a law firm. By having the same software on the same host computer, upgrades and updates, both major and minor, are continuously done on the application by the cloud-based vendor – the law firm does not need to make any software changes on their in-house computers. Because of this multi-tenant platform, cloud-based developers can aggregate many customers on a shared infrastructure, effectively amortizing costs across thousands of customers and dramatically improving both effectiveness and efficiency. 

Learn more about Rippe & Kingston's LMS Cloud and download the complete white paper on Law Firm Management in the Cloud.